11 Man-Cave Décor Ideas!

A man cave is a male sanctuary. It is the one room inside the house where "guys can do as they please" without fear of upsetting their wife’s or girlfriend’s sensitivities about the home décor or design. So, here are some really cool ideas/products that we think are perfect for this sanctuary.
1. Leather Sofa
The ideal man-cave can’t do without a piece like this. It’s where he has his late night meals while watching TV, entertains his guests or even dozes off on a lazy afternoon. It’s the sun of his galaxy (pad).

2. Reading Lamps
Perfect for the table near that leather sofa.
P.S: these are available at The Purple Turtles.

3. Wooden Alphabets and Numbers
There’s no better way to make a permanent space for your favourite sport/movie/word in your home than with large wooden alphabets. If you get enough of these, you could easily make variations out of them periodically. The Bahrain Grand Prix is just round the corner ;)
Check them out on our site here: https://staging.thepurpleturtles.com/shop/home-decor-decor-accents-artifacts-carvings/alphabet-and-number/

4. Movie Posters
A man cave is incomplete without atleast one poster of a movie that he really loves. Nothing speaks ‘Bachelor Pad’ louder than a poster of Neo or Tony Stark.

5. Bar Cabinet
The fridge can be practically empty for all we care, but a well-stocked bar cabinet has got to be there. A small and spacious like this one will more than suffice.

6. Jack Daniels Soap Dispenser
Here’s how to create this uber cool piece of Bathroom décor: http://goo.gl/sbdA7L

7. Batman Book-shelf
This is not a book-shelf you need; it’s a bookshelf you deserve.

8. Spare Parts Table
A seamless fit in the house of a machine lover.

9. Beer Keg Urinal
Send it back where it all came from ;)

10. Motorbike (yeah, that’s right!)
Some men have old/spare motorbikes lying around in their garage –just like that. Just give them a nice wash and push them into the house to give it a signature man-cave look.

11. Canvas Leather Poufs
These represent quintessential living room seating. Their leather finish and bold prints helped them secure a spot on this list. Check them out on our site here:

So, what did you think of our man-cave decor ideas? Leave a comment and tell us! :)
Image Sources:
- http://nextluxury.com/home-design/50-masculine-man-cave-ideas/
- http://www.victoramaroblog.com/2014/11/blog-post.html
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/390194755189099276/
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/26810560256992946/
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/77757531040715918/
- http://darlingstreet.com.au/2013/08/25/your-own-mad-men-bar/
- http://diyready.com/man-cave-ideas-19-diy-decor-and-furniture-projects/
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/485896247272301109/
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/472244710899544829/
- http://blogs.ldnews.com/rhentime/2014/03/05/als-of-hapmdenpizza-boy-brewing-co-craft-beer-heaven-and-pretty-good-pizza-too/
- http://reachnerdvana.tumblr.com/